Dear Donna G

I am excited to launch my latest blog page entitled, "Dear Donna G". This is my version of a Spiritual Dear Abby. (I've really dated myself now, haven't I?) For those of you too young to remember Dear Abby, she had a newspaper column where she provided solutions to people's challenges who wrote in. For those of you too young to remember what a newspaper column is, please google it or use AI.

I'm a firm believer that the TRUTH WILL SET US ALL FREE. Opinion, however is not considered Truth in the world of Spirituality. So, as right as we often "think" we are...The Truth (with a capital T) usually lies just beyond how things appear to be. I'm here to answer any questions you have from a "Spiritual" perspective, based on the Spiritual laws of the Universe as I know them.

Albert Einstein once said in effect that we cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them. You have to go to a higher perspective. My intention is to offer you the higher perspective to help bring clarity and peace to any issue you may have. Don't stay in pain, email your questions to (and please include your name or initials along with your City and State) and I will reply to them here.

Continued Blessings on your Path,

Donna G


Dear Donna G,

I am really struggling with my work and am considering a job and/or career change. I am worried that I may be running away from something that I am
not aware of consciously and that if I make a change, may end up with the same unfulfilled feelings I am having now. Is there something I need to shift within me before I start changing things outside of me?

In Gratitude,

L.H (Los Angeles, Ca.)

Dear L.H.,

That is such a great question. Thank you for having the courage to ask it. Be careful not to get stuck in analysis paralysis. Trust your guidance regarding what your next step should be, whether it's to "Be still" and just listen, or whether you are to take action somehow in the outer world. Either way, you can't make a mistake as long as once you make your decision, you are willing to get in your own corner and support yourself in that decision. Sometimes the shoe gets too tight and it's time to allow a bigger vision to birth itself in our life. I am convinced that if that's the case, the Universe will make that abundantly clear to you in the perfect way and in the perfect timing. In the meantime, be willing to be uncomfortable with your feelings long enough to get clear about what's really going on. I sincerely admire your willingness to be in integrity with yourself. Know I will be holding you in prayer for perfect clarity and Divine Right Action.

To The Truth That Sets You Free,

Donna G 

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