Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The House That God Bought (Part 1) (What You Believe, Matters)

Several years ago, I was working with a client on the law of attraction, teaching her how to manifest the things that she wanted in her life. At the end of one of our sessions, I suggested we put the law to the test. I asked her what she wanted to manifest. I reminded her that the “hows” were not her business, just the “whats”. In other words, her only job at this point was to be clear with the universe about what she wanted, and to stay out of trying to figure out how to make that happen or contemplating how it can’t. After some thought, she clearly stated that she wanted to own her own home. She wanted to live in West Los Angeles in a home she would love, that was in perfect shape, in a good neighborhood and one she could afford.

Just to give you a little background, at the time she was a young woman in her 30s, doing massage therapy on and off, and teaching some yoga classes occasionally. Her income was both sparse and inconsistent. She had no real work history to speak of, her credit score wasn’t stellar and she was self-employed. But you see, Universal law doesn’t care about any of that. It cares about what you really believe, what you say yes to having, and having the faith the size of at least a mustard seed  that you can have it.  Before our session ended that day, I reminded her of that. I said, “Now, get all of your fears, doubts and reasons why you think you can’t have this out-of-the-way, just say yes and let the universe present it to you”. She agreed and I proceeded to pray out-loud on her perfect home, declaring throughout that the Universe was for her, already knew where her perfect home was and how to give it to her.

A month later, she returned for her regular session. She told me she had big news and I should sit down. She proceeded to tell me that a friend of her father’s, who she did not know and had never heard of, had apparently died. She had just found out that this man had left her father a house in West Los Angeles in a beautiful neighborhood, and the house was ready to occupy. Her father already owned a few properties so he decided to give it to her, along with a good sum of money the man had left him, so she could paint it and decorate it the way she would like. The house was fully paid for. There was no mortgage or rent to pay.

God certainly works in mysterious ways, we know that. But did you know that there is a little man who sits at the Universe’s order desk that waits patiently for your order, then once you decide what you want, takes your order and with a little rubber stamp, stamps your request with a “Yes” every single time? Well, it’s true!! More or less, anyway.

The law of the Universe will respond without judgment to what you really want, what you believe you can have and are truly willing to receive. This sounds simplistic and it is. What makes it challenging, is our belief systems. We get in our own way with our over-use of the mind. With our linear limited thinking, we decide that something is impossible, or improbable, or difficult, we don’t deserve it or it’s just not in the cards. We have all kinds of reasons why something can’t happen for us. And unfortunately, the Universe will respond to all of that too. Your beliefs are powerful, and they are either working for you or against you. What’s the order you are actually submitting? Is it, “I CAN have what I want,” or “I CAN'T have what I want”? Are you a YES or are you a NO? Here’s the trick. Say yes, get your negative thoughts out of the way….and then let it happen. 

To The Truth That Sets Us All Free,

Donna Gershman ALSP

PS. Are you ready to create something new in your life but aren't seeing the results you would like? Feel free to email me at, or contact my office at (818)904-6840 for a free telephone consultation. All sessions are conducted by telephone or Skype.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Spiritual Truth about Ugly Fighting - Part 2 (Practicing the Art of Healthy Detachment)

Picture a fiery cauldron, not the hellish, scary 'fire and brimstone' kind, but rather a beautiful blazing "furnace-like" fire designed to burn off anything that doesn't serve you. Now, picture it sitting right between you and every person you know. It is there to protect you and to absorb any negative projections that may come your way during a conversation, a disagreement, an ugly fight or even from your own negative self talk. It is your best friend. And like a best friend, it's a good idea not to forget it's there.

About 20 years ago, my partner at the time decided to break up with me by telephone. She launched into an hour long monologue in which she painstakingly described to me, one by one, all of my shameful flaws and character defects. I'm just grateful that she eventually ran out of steam or we might still be on the phone right now! There was so much anger and rage coming off of her, frankly I was surprised the phone didn't catch on fire.

But then I heard my inner voice say to me, "This isn't about you! Just give her the space to talk and be heard. Don't get in the middle of it." She proceeded to call me every name in the book, and I just listened with a sort of healthy sense of detachment, while holding a space of unconditional love for both of us. Everything vile that came out of her mouth, I imagined going into a fiery cauldron and burning off before it could ever touch me. I literally said almost nothing for a full hour as she continued her rant. I just kept hearing my inner voice say to me, "It's not about you! Be there for her right now. Be Available!"

It was an amazing experience. I never got defensive. I never attacked back. I didn't make her wrong. I just listened and didn't take any of it personally. Then suddenly she was done. There was silence on the phone for just a minute when she burst into tears. She said "Oh my God, I am so sorry!!! I have no idea where any of that came from. Oh my God, Oh my God, please forgive me!" She sobbed uncontrollably for several minutes.

Since she had the space to vent without my reacting, she was able to process what she was saying and take responsibility for it. She too realized that it wasn't about me. It was old unhealed wounds of hers that got triggered in our relationship. If I had gotten defensive and made it all about my feelings suddenly, it would have just resulted in more chaos, and misaligned thoughts being met by more misaligned thoughts. I am absolutely sure that both the conversation and relationship would have ended a completely different way had I allowed myself to get in the middle of it and been unavailable to her.

We both ended up telling eachother how much we loved each other and drawing closer than we had been for a long time. We decided to end the relationship, but we did so with mutual respect, love and appreciation. We both recognized that it had simply come to it's natural completion.

I learned a few important lessons that day. 1) Listening is healing. 2) Other people's blaming is more about them than you, but it will always present an opportunity for you to grow in compassion and to be your best self. 3) Know who you really are! Otherwise, you'll feel the need to defend against stuff that isn't even yours. It's a waste of your good time and accomplishes nothing.  

Lastly, being truly emotionally available for someone, requires you to listen without taking anything maintain a healthy detachment so there's a clear space for them to have their feelings and be heard. This is where real healing can take place.

And, if worse comes to worst...get your best friend the fiery cauldron out to protect you, so other people's projections don't bring the fire out in you. This is the one time when "fighting" fire with fire is a good thing!

To The Truth That Sets Us All Free,

Donna Gershman ALSP

PS. You can heal, and you don't have to do it alone! if you or someone you know needs support in healing any issue, whether it be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, feel free to email me at, or contact my office at (818)904-6840 for a free telephone consultation. All sessions are conducted by telephone or Skype.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Birthing an Oak Tree


Contained within the acorn is an Oak Tree. What is contained within you?

Recently in a meditation, I asked myself, "Who will I be 10 years from now?" What I was shown amazed me.

I saw myself standing in a large beautiful room, leaning against my desk and having a conversation with someone. I was surely the Donna I know myself to be now, but at the same time I was very different. I was more solid, grounded, and wise. I could see the wisdom in me had grown. There was more clarity, more confidence, and I was a lot more carefree. In essence, I was a more evolved version of myself, because I had less worries, doubts and fears.

It was a vision of me I had actually never caught until that moment, and yet once I saw it, it made perfect sense to me. I know that this vision of me in 10 years, is the me I am becoming, and that the path I am on right now will indeed lead me to being her.

Sometimes, when we envision our lives in the future, we imagine our lives being different; possibly being in a completely different set of circumstances, having a different career or attaining a higher level of success. Maybe we see our relationships being more committed or happier somehow, living in a different place, having more money, more things, more comforts.

But who do you imagine yourself becoming? What qualities can you see giving rise in you? Other than external changes, what will have changed in you? Whatever the answer, this vision is the Oak Tree you're becoming, and rest assured, that Oak Tree lives in you right now.

We are here to recognize our inherent Oak Tree and allow it to be revealed, to know there is always something bigger that is seeking to emerge as us.

Believe it or not, you are always on the right path, no matter what it may look or feel like. All paths lead to the revealing of your Oak Tree, and you have been given eternity to do that. Although you may sometimes feel dissatisfied as an acorn or impatient with yourself for not being the Oak Tree yet, you the Acorn are perfect right now, and all is revealing itself in the perfect way and in the perfect time. Contrary to what you may think, you are not a late bloomer! FYI, There is nothing more painful to the acorn than impatience and self judgment.

We are all becoming an Oak Tree, which is why we're all here, why we're on whatever path we are on, and why we have growing pains. An actual acorn however, never resists becoming the Oak Tree. Although one could imagine that letting go of it's smallness to allow the bigness could be accompanied by some discomfort, the acorn knows the Oak Tree's birth is inevitable and natural.

The trick to allowing this process to unfold with as much grace as possible, is to be your own caring Midwife. Always embrace and reassure the acorn (who you are right now), while allowing the Oak Tree to be birthed as you. Have faith in your path whatever it looks like, and I mean whatever it looks like... and then you will most definitely emerge as the Oak Tree, strong, grounded, sure of who you are, and standing tall.

Don't let the current labor pains of your life distract you from the greater realization of who you really are. Keep your vision riveted on the perfection of the acorn, while acknowledging the Oak Tree you are becoming. Take it from the acorn, there's nothing to gain by being impatient or trying to rush the tree. Instead, why not cut the acorn and Oak Tree some slack...and behold the wonder, beauty and grace of it all, while admitting it takes a lot of courage to birth an Oak Tree.

To The Truth That Sets Us All Free,

Donna Gershman ALSP

PS. You can heal, and you don't have to do it alone! if you or someone you know needs support in healing any issue, whether it be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, feel free to email me at, or contact my office at (818)904-6840 for a free telephone consultation. All sessions are conducted by telephone or Skype.