FAQ's about Spiritual Counseling

What is Spiritual Counseling?

Spiritual Counseling assists an individual in changing their life from the inside-out. It focuses on the premise that one's beliefs have power, and are in fact responsible for what they are experiencing in their life. Some beliefs may be supportive and be producing the results one desires, and other's may be interfering with their life.

To give an example in simple terms, if a person believes wholeheartedly that life is hard, then they will consistently experience it that way through this filter. If, on the other hand, a person chooses to believe that they are always supported by a loving Universe, then they will experience feeling supported and identifying that support on a regular basis.

How does Spiritual Counseling differ from traditional therapy?

In traditional counseling, often much time is devoted to re-living past emotional experiences with the idea of finding closure. In Spiritual Counseling, a person's emotional life is examined in order to determine what the underlying beliefs are that led to the feelings, and therefore assisting the person in achieving greater balance and mastery of their emotions.

How are our beliefs connected to our feelings? Why are they important in healing? 

Imagine for a moment having a belief your entire life that you're "not good enough". What feelings would that cause you to have? How far do you think you would go in life carrying those feelings with you? Understanding one's belief systems and how they are manifesting in one's life is vital to being able to change outer circumstances. Once a person is able to identify the beliefs that are hampering them from creating the life they desire, and they are given the right tools, they are able to change those beliefs and gain better results almost immediately.

How can our beliefs effect our life?

Our beliefs effect our entire life. They effect our relationships, our finances, our professional life, our body, our health, everything. Often people suffer for years not understanding why they aren't able to achieve what they want in life. They chalk it up to bad luck or even worse, assume that they are not capable or deserving of having what they want, and lose faith. But once they understand the power of their beliefs, and can be honest about what they are, they are now in the position to change those beliefs and therefore change their life.

How can our beliefs specifically effect our health?

When individuals hold beliefs that are painful, they create negative emotions, which result in toxins in the body. When this is the case over a long period of time, the person can develop illness, chronic conditions or dis-ease. The key to healing the body from any and all illness is to understand what beliefs caused the weakening of the body over time, and to be willing to change those beliefs. A person who changes their beliefs will not only feel better emotionally, but they will experience great improvement in their health, and often a total recovery.

What are Spiritual Laws and why are they important?

Just as we function under certain laws of the Universe like electricity, and gravity, we also operate under numerous Spiritual laws. These laws operate whether we are consciously aware of them or not. When we are acting in conflict with any of these laws, we don't get the results we want. The more aware we are of how the laws work, the better our chances of utilizing the law to our benefit versus our detriment. As example, if we are driving our car in the United States, where the law states that we drive on the right side of the road, then doing so will be in alignment with the law, and we will be less likely to have problems. On the contrary, if we choose to drive on the left side of the road, whether consciously or unconsciously, we will most likely have a painful result. Knowing the law and how it works helps us make positive choices in our life. 

What is the law of attraction?

The law of attraction is one example of a Spiritual law. The law of attraction states that we attract to us, that which we are and believe (ie..."it is done unto you as you believe").Therefore, "like attracts like". Again, when we know what the laws are and how they work, we have a better opportunity to understand what we're experiencing and why, and how to change it, if we so desire.

What does Spiritual Counseling involve?

Spiritual Counseling involves working with a client to identify what beliefs they are holding that are sabotaging them from having what they want (in all areas of their life, for instance; Prosperity, Health, Love, Healthy Relationships, Balance, Passion, Fulfillment, Success, etc...) and helping them to understand the Spiritual laws of the Universe, how they are effecting their daily life, and providing tools so they can shift their beliefs, create better outcomes and consciously make choices that are aligned with their heart's desires..

Does God factor into this? What if I don't believe in God? 

I work with people of all religious backgrounds, as well as those who would consider themselves atheists or agnostics. I also work with people who identify themselves as Spiritual, meaning not necessarily involved in an organized religion, but focused on their own idea of Spirit, God, a Higher Power, etc..and the implication of that in their daily lives. 

In all cases, I work with a person's current belief system to help them understand from a Spiritual Perspective how to change what's not working, and to create wholeness in their life. I do not try to change someone's beliefs about whether there's a God or no God, but rather help them to understand how their current beliefs are playing out in their lives. 

Who can benefit most from Spiritual Counseling?

Ultimately, Spiritual Counseling is meant for anyone who is interested in changing their lives from the inside-out, to create lasting change, to heal any issue or pattern, and to become the highest possible vision of themselves.

How long are Spiritual Counseling Sessions?

Sessions can be 20, 30, 60 or 90 minutes depending on the issues being dealt with, and what your time and budget allows. I conduct all of my sessions by telephone, Skype or by Zoom..

How often should I have sessions?

That depends on you, and what your goals are. Typically, I see results very quickly if the client is sincerely ready to heal, willing to do the inner work necessary, and use the tools given to them. 

Do you offer a free consultation? 

Yes. Please email the office at youwillheal@aol.com or call 818-904-6840 to set up a time.

"I just cannot thank you enough for the work we've been doing together. My life has done a complete 180° since the first Spiritual Tune-up. What a precious gift from God you are. With your loving and patient guidance, I've blossomed into a happy, grateful, lovingly positive woman. I marvel at the infinite grace of love and light that now surrounds me as I live effortlessly each day knowing we are divine and thus never alone. With love,"
AJ, Granby, Ct.