I went to two Doctors who told me the exact same thing...word for word. "You have Eczema. There is no cure for it. You'll just have to get used to it". I was absolutely struck by the fact that both of these Doctors, although several miles apart from each other, actually spoke the same words to me. I really couldn't get over the coincidence of that. But here I was, standing in front of the 2nd Doctor, as she parroted the other doctor.
So, I said to her, " Oh really? You know what, Doctor? I don't think you should tell people that there's no cure for something. I think you should simply say that YOU don't know what it is"....and then I promised her that I would cure my own eczema. She just stared at me with pity on her face. I believe that may be one of the last times I ever went to a Doctor.
This was certainly a pivotal event in my life, and one I am truly grateful for now. It literally launched my journey as a healer. I was not aware of that at the time. I was simply out to cure my skin condition, come heck or high water. All I knew was that there was NO WAY I was just going to get "used to it" and have it for the rest of my life. It took several years of trying various things that didn't work, but I did eventually heal it.
I started with all the obvious external things like checking for allergies from my products, in my home, in the environment, in my foods. I went off of all wheat, dairy, sugar, yeast, anything white, and a zillion other foods. None of it worked. The Eczema stayed even when the other things were gone. It was like the uninvited guest who wouldn't leave, except it wasn't funny.
It began to really interfere with my life. I started to limit certain activities, especially outdoor ones. People would ask me, "why are you wearing pants when it's 105 degrees out?" I went through periods of depression, and feeling hopeless. I felt there was no where for me to turn.
No one had a cure for eczema. I knew it was up to me to heal. I tried different lotions, and medications everything from oatmeal based things to cortisone, to herb mixtures I had to place in my bath and apply to my legs for several hours. Nothing. I tried acupuncture, Chinese herbalists, and various healers. I had exploited what seemed like every course of treatment over several years, but nothing was working.
Then in 1995, I started my studies to become a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner through The Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles. The program called to me, if you know what I mean. I almost was driven to do it, but from a very quiet place within me. It seemed to be a program literally designed with me in mind. I had been a spiritual loner my whole life, up until then. I was always interested in what was going on in the invisible...behind the scenes of life. I knew there was something more happening, than I was privy to on some level. I wanted to know what it was.
I had always wanted to help people as well, and counseling came naturally to me. People always looked to me for strength and support, and I was there. So becoming a Spiritual Practitioner (or therapist), was the perfect answer to a lifelong desire. I embarked on the program like a sponge in the Pacific Ocean. It fed me on every level, and I couldn't get enough of it. Once the answers started coming to me, I was insatiable with my learning.
I loved becoming a Practitioner, and I have loved Practicing and working with clients more than anything in my life. What I didn't know at the time, was that my studies would hold the answers for the eczema, as well. Looking back, I now believe that when you sincerely seek an answer to something, it is given, just not always in our preferred timeframe.
I learned a lot about healing. I learned to get myself out of the way. In other words, I had to let go of everything I thought I knew or didn't know and simply become an available vehicle for the Universe to use, to the highest good for all. I learned that everything is energy and that energy vibrates at different frequencies, and that in order to heal a condition, you have to raise your vibration above the vibration of the condition, so that it can't sustain itself. I learned that the Universe does everything through me, and that I can't take the credit for any of it. I learned that no disease has any power unless you give it to it, with your beliefs and your fears. I learned that the key to healing is to know without a doubt in mind, that we humans are way more powerful that any condition, and to take our power back from it. I learned that the power of the mind to heal is astounding and unlimited. I learned that disease is something we humans create when we are not fully aligned with our Spirits. I learned that we can un-create it, as well. I learned that helping someone heal their bodies and take back their life is a Sacred Practice, that I am grateful for every day. I learned to heal my eczema. I learned to heal Cancer. I learned to heal everything that came my way, because all of it was NOTHING, compared to the power we EACH have been given.
Today, I desire more than anything to teach people what I know, so that they too can realize their inherent power, to deepen their faith in their own ability to heal, and to never again feel powerless to any illness or disease. It is my dream that someday we will react to a diagnosis of cancer much like we were told we had a hangnail, because we will no longer fall prey to the false belief that IT'S somehow more powerful than us.
I feel blessed for witnessing what other people call "a miracle healing" on a regular basis. In my mind, all it is, is a person's natural wholeness re-emerging after a temporary state of forgetfulness of who they truly are, and the power they hold. I wish for you all, this same awareness, so that you too can live a life forever free from illness, and live freely the life you were always meant to live.
To The Truth That Sets Us All Free,
Donna Gershman ALSP
PS. Don't Suffer! If you or someone you know, needs support in healing a disease, illness, chronic condition or pain, please feel free to email me at youwillheal@aol.com or call my office at (818)904-6840.
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