website Miracles Through An Ordinary Jane ™: In a Nutshell...

Thursday, July 7, 2022

In a Nutshell...

Our minds are either working For us or working against us. The idea is to notice the thoughts and beliefs that you are running, and be willing to change the ones that are counter productive to what you want to create in your life. Humans tend to believe their own thoughts and opinions as if they are true. So, if we think our low opinions of ourselves are true, then our feelings will reflect what we believe and we'll feel not good enough to realize our dreams. We make decisions from those beliefs and subsequent feelings all the time, i.e... procrastinate, make excuses, sabotage ourselves, hold ourselves back, etc... But the real Truth is not in our thinking at all.

We are MORE than our thoughts about ourselves. We all have infinite potential. We have everything we need within us already. There is nothing that can limit us, but our own beliefs about ourselves. We all know this deep down inside. That's the rub, honestly. We know if we just put our mind to something, if we just believed, if we made a real decision, we would actually succeed. But the beliefs sabotage us and keep us small. Being willing to let go of the negative beliefs you Think are true about you, is the first step towards creating the life you really deserve.

I love the expression "you can be right or you can be happy". Be willing to be wrong about yourself, so you can start living. The reality is, if you're holding negative beliefs about yourself, no matter how right you think you are, how true you think your beliefs are, you're absolutely wrong! And that's a good thing. The actual Truth is on your side.

You can achieve whatever you're willing to, you can have whatever you're willing to receive. It starts with changing your mind about you.

Love and Light to each of you, on your path to waking up to your true selves. If you're reading this, I suspect you're almost there now.

To The Truth That Sets Us All Free,    

Donna Gershman

PS. Are you ready to start living the life you deserve but know you must get out of your own way to have it? You don't have to do it alone. Feel free to email me at
or contact my office at (818)904-6840 to set up a free consultation. All sessions are conducted by Telephone, Skype or Zoom.

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