Go Deep and Laugh at loud as Katie Miller sits down with Donna Gershman (Intuitive Healer and Spiritual Counselor) to discuss all things Spiritual, such as how she met Jesus, the many miracles she has experienced in her work, the root cause of all illness, and the importance of our beliefs in healing.
Need a miracle? Learn how to create miracles in your own life and in the lives of the ones you love. Don't just pray for a miracle, become a place where miracles can happen. Spiritual growth is the gift that keeps on giving. It will allow you to become the greatest version of yourself while finally living the life you were always meant to live. Contact Donna Gershman for more information and for a Free Consultation at 818-904-6840 or email youwillheal@aol.com
Friday, April 7, 2023
Livin' it UP with Donna Gershman & Katie Miller (Episode 1)
Wednesday, August 10, 2022
Are You Settling For Crumbs?
The mind thinks an average of 70,000 thoughts a day, almost all of which have nothing to do with God's Truth. If you're gonna use your mind, why not start thinking like God thinks.
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Pray Believing
The word, and even concept of "prayer" can be off-putting for some, especially if it's associated with religion or a man in the sky. But we can pray "knowing" the fulfillment of our prayers without religion or God. Honestly, God doesn't care if we believe in it or not. Prayers are still fulfilled regardless if we believe in a higher power.
Thursday, July 7, 2022
In a Nutshell...
Our minds are either working For us or working against us. The idea is to notice the thoughts and beliefs that you are running, and be willing to change the ones that are counter productive to what you want to create in your life. Humans tend to believe their own thoughts and opinions as if they are true. So, if we think our low opinions of ourselves are true, then our feelings will reflect what we believe and we'll feel not good enough to realize our dreams. We make decisions from those beliefs and subsequent feelings all the time, i.e... procrastinate, make excuses, sabotage ourselves, hold ourselves back, etc... But the real Truth is not in our thinking at all.
We are MORE than our thoughts about ourselves. We all have infinite potential. We have everything we need within us already. There is nothing that can limit us, but our own beliefs about ourselves. We all know this deep down inside. That's the rub, honestly. We know if we just put our mind to something, if we just believed, if we made a real decision, we would actually succeed. But the beliefs sabotage us and keep us small. Being willing to let go of the negative beliefs you Think are true about you, is the first step towards creating the life you really deserve.
I love the expression "you can be right or you can be happy". Be willing to be wrong about yourself, so you can start living. The reality is, if you're holding negative beliefs about yourself, no matter how right you think you are, how true you think your beliefs are, you're absolutely wrong! And that's a good thing. The actual Truth is on your side.
You can achieve whatever you're willing to, you can have whatever you're willing to receive. It starts with changing your mind about you.
Love and Light to each of you, on your path to waking up to your true selves. If you're reading this, I suspect you're almost there now.
or contact my office at (818)904-6840 to set up a free consultation. All sessions are conducted by Telephone, Skype or Zoom.
Friday, October 19, 2018
Spiritual Relationship Hacks; How To Attract Your Perfect Partner.
Mostly, I have worried that I wasn't good enough. I wasn't pretty enough. I didn't have a beautiful enough body. I didn't have enough money. I wasn't successful enough. There might be something wrong with me...on and on. And I wondered why I wasn't drawing that perfect person into my life!!
I can't help but see the irony of it all now, and the humor frankly.
It was like I was wanting the Universe to present me the perfect person for me, you know, the one I had described a thousand different times in my journals, that had all those amazing qualities, all while I talked trash about me, and thought of myself as not really deserving! So apparently, I was wanting to find someone that was way better than me who would be happy with someone way less than they deserved! Are you seeing the irony yet?
Seriously, are we actually telling the Universe that we want to attract the perfect person while we secretly believe we're critically flawed? Looks like Mr. Right or Mrs. Right is headed towards the short end of the stick!!!
This is just not how it works. For you to attract that perfect person to you, you actually have to see yourself as worthy. You have to know you're a catch! You can't pretend to be one. You can't just act like you love yourself or love your own company. You have to fall in love with who you are. You have to first and foremost, fall in love with yourself. After all, when Mr. or Ms. Right walks into your life, don't they deserve the best back? So, if you're going to show up to the party, don't show up with a half a bag of broken pretzels and expect to attract a full bag to you. Truthfully, do you really want to be that person who brings a small container of hummus to the potluck and then takes home containers of leftovers?
So, here's what it comes down to. It's not that you have to become someone you're not, or someone you think others would want. It's not that you need to become someone better than you currently are. You don't need to remake yourself. You need to own who you already are. You need to know that you are perfect just as you are right now. All of your fears and worries about not being good enough; none of that is real. I know it can feel real, but did you know that it can feel real and true without it actually being real or true? We can have a fear of the dark and not actually have anything there to hurt us, right? Fear can be compelling but also a good liar.
Here's the deal. God made you perfect and God wants you to know it! Simple but not always easy. Ask yourself this: Would you want to date you? Why? Do you know, really know deep down inside that you're a catch? Because you absolutely need to know that, and if you don't, then that's your work.
Look at it this way. Do you want to attract a partner who has low self-esteem and doesn't really know who they are? I think not. Remember, I'm not talking about attracting a "Mr. or Ms. Okay, for now". I'm talking about attracting your Forever Life Partner. The key is to accept that you are a serious catch, no matter what your mind tries to tell you. No matter what you think is lacking in you or broken or missing altogether. The Reality is that you are way better than you think you are. A book that was written thousands of years ago says, "You are made from God's Image and Likeness and out of Perfection". Wow, can you imagine that? If not, that's where I would start.
I have a theory. I believe that the moment we genuinely understand and accept that about ourselves is the same moment we become available to having what we truly want. We're not really available to our good until we do. Most of the time, because of our resistance to knowing our perfection, we go through life accepting scraps and making choices that are less than what we truly deserve. But once we awake to our full throttle perfection in God, once we embrace all of who we are unconditionally, "all things are added unto us".
Fall in love with yourself and your life. Remember who made you.
I had a friend once say to me that her life was so great without a partner, that she would need to meet the Perfect person before she would consider changing her life for anyone. I thought that was a good measure for loving oneself. Love your life so much that you are discerning about whether you should change your life for someone else. Can you say that right now about you and your life? If not, become that person and you will draw more to you than you know what to do with. Your biggest problem will be fending them off.
Last year, at the age of 54, I met my forever person, and next year at the age of 56, I will be getting married for the very first time in my life. Honestly, it took me this long to accept that I was a catch. But, as soon as I did, she appeared in my life and I literally didn't have to do a single thing to make it happen. It is more than obvious to me now, that if I only knew then what I know now, and what I am sharing here with you, she might have found me sooner. But nonetheless, once you wake up to your true perfection in God, not from an "act-as-if" place or pretending, but from a genuine knowing, "all things are added unto you" and "all the time the locusts have eaten is given back to you". Truly, the only thing necessary to attracting your perfect life partner is real Self-Love.
To The Truth That Sets Us All Free,
Donna Gershman
Are you ready to go from Complacency to Conquering in your life? Let's remove whatever road blocks have been in your way. Spiritual work is the gift that keeps on giving. With a slight shift in Consciousness, your life can change dramatically for the better. Call me for a Free Consultation at (818)904-6840 or email me at youwillheal@aol.com
For a change to happen, you must make a change....
Monday, April 30, 2018
The House That God Bought (Part 2) (When Faith Is Hard to Find)
When you live in my world and are surrounded by other Miracle minded people, you live in an altered state of reality most of the time, and that's good. You want to live in an altered state of reality because why would you want to be plagued with limiting beliefs? Why would you want to join into other people's limiting thoughts and then get other people to agree with you on them? You wouldn't. In order to have what you want, you absolutely have to think out of the ordinary box that almost every living person thinks from, the linear one.
To The Truth That Sets Us All Free,
Are you wanting to move forward on a dream, or to change something in your life? Do you feel stuck, and know you're in your own way? Let's move that boulder together. Feel free to email
me at youwillheal@aol.com, or contact my office at (818)904-6840 for a free consultation or a 20-Minute Tune-UP! All sessions are conducted by telephone or SKYPE
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Chasing the Hare
Donna Gershman ALSP
Are you wanting to move forward on a dream, or to change something in your life? Do you feel stuck, and know you're in your own way? Let's move that boulder together. Feel free to email me at youwillheal@aol.com, or contact my office at (818)904-6840 for a free telephone consultation or 20 minute tune-UP! All sessions are conducted by telephone or Skype.
* PS. Thank you, Mr. Gerke. And, sorry for starting this sentence with AND.
Mr Gerke reading my article
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
The Spiritual Truth about Ugly Fighting - Part 1 (Practicing the Art of Being Wrong)
To The Truth That Sets Us All Free,
Donna Gershman ALSP
PS. You can heal, and you don't have to do it alone! If you or someone you know needs support in healing any issue, whether it be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, please feel free to email me at youwillheal@aol.com, or contact my office at (818)904-6840 for a free telephone consultation.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Greater Things Than These
This is a hard blog to write. I’ve been sitting on this one for a while. I just have to be honest about it, I’ve been a little afraid to write it. You see, in telling this particular story, it means I have to come clean on a few things; things I’ve been afraid to tell the world. It’s never my intention to offend anyone, but I’m afraid this blog may do just that. I have come to the conclusion, however, that I must tell my truth regardless of how others may view it. So here it goes, come what may.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
When I was 11

Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Why Are You Here?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The Absolute Bottom Line to Healing
I remember a pivotal story that Michael Beckwith, the Founder of The Agape International Spiritual Center told me and a fellow Practitioner Colleagues many years ago. He told us of a Prison Warden in California who consistently had the lowest rate of recidivism of all Prison systems in the state. Recidivism is a relapse into crime. His prisoners were least likely to return to crime, once they were released back into society. He apparently held this record for many years before someone finally asked him what he attributed his success to.
He basically said that he believed in the inherent good of all people, no matter their behavior.
When he would meet an inmate for the first time, despite whatever crime they had been convicted of, he would commit to identifying at least one positive trait about them. For some, it was very difficult, and he would have to look very hard to find something redeeming in them.
Once he identified the trait, no matter how obscure, he would then call the prisoner by that trait, rather than their name. For instance, in the case of an inmate who was good with numbers, every time he would see him he would say, “Hey, Mr. Math.”
Over time, what he began to notice was that the particular trait would become magnified in their behavior. Eventually, it started to effect their overall behavior, they would become more confident in themselves, and reveal more positive qualities.
It may seem obvious, but people do better when they feel better about themselves. Not when they're constantly reminded of what’s “wrong” with them.
So, are you wondering what all this has to do with healing your body? Everything.
That one person in your life, who loved you unconditionally, modeled to you how it feels to be truly loved just as you are, from the bottom of your tiny toes to the top of your funny little head. They loved you without judgment.
How many of us can honestly say, that we do this for ourselves on a consistent basis? Do you feel unconditionally loved by YOU? Are you kind, understanding, compassionate, forgiving, patient, and generous with yourself? Do you focus on the good in you? My guess is, “not so much.”
The absolute bottom line to health and wholeness lies in our ability to love and embrace ourselves “whole-heartedly”, without exception. In fact, I believe that this is our one true lesson plan on planet earth.
This may sound airy-fairy to some, or too esoteric, but the human body responds to feelings of well-being, and vice versa. Just for a moment, try telling yourself over and over again that you are “Perfect Just As You Are”, and then feel how your body reacts. Does it get stronger or weaker?
Now tell yourself, that "You're Not Good Enough” over and over again, and then see how your body feels. The body will undoubtedly weaken with the negative thought.
Now imagine what having negative self beliefs over your lifetime will do, and how it will affect how your body feels, and of course how you live your life.
When it comes down to it, you are solely responsible for how you feel about you. Not your parents, not your spouse, not your grandparents, your kids, your first grade teacher, your Aunt Mabel or your first boyfriend or girlfriend.
If they were not able to love you unconditionally, it was because they were not able to love themselves unconditionally. How 'bout you? Are you willing to do this for you?
It’s true that we are our own worst enemies. We know that. So, why do we expect everyone else to treat us better or love us better, than we are willing to for ourselves?
Today, you can begin to get yourself out of the “prison” of your own making, by letting go of judgment for yourself. Start by telling yourself that today is a new day, the past is the past, and it’s okay to love yourself right now, just as you are.
Be willing to forgive yourself for not always being your best, or for carrying thoughts about yourself that were ultimately self destructive.
The fact is, the minute you decide you are worthy of loving yourself, will be the same minute you will align yourself with Universal Love, the greatest healing power available. You will have just opened up the gateway for your healing, (the same gateway that you erroneously closed, by withholding love from yourself through negative self judgment).
The practice of self forgiveness is an essential part to healing any physical condition. Thankfully, you don't have to know how to do it, your simple willingness to, is all you need.
Be like the prison warden, and focus on what’s “right” about you. No matter what crime you think you committed, today you can break out of your self imposed prison, by releasing self judgement. Free yourself, once and for all, to live a life of health and well being.
To The Truth That Sets Us All Free,
Donna Gershman ALSP
PS. You can heal, and you don't need to do it alone! If you or someone you know needs support in healing a disease, illness, chronic condition, injury or pain, please feel free to email me at youwillheal@aol.com or contact me directly at (818)904-6840.
Friday, October 9, 2009
The Purpose of Illness
Finally, she responded, “Well, I’m on disability.” I marveled at her honesty, and proceeded to tell her that in actuality, she did not have a health issue at all, she had a prosperity issue.
We then prayed together, and in the prayer I never mentioned her body or the cancer at all. I simply prayed for her to know more prosperity in her life. She returned two weeks later to tell me that she was cancer free, and that her Doctors did not know why. But, she did.
She’s alive today, not because of me, but because she was willing to be radically honest with herself. The Truth will indeed set you free.
Illness always serves a purpose. Sometimes, it’s a wake up call; a sign that it’s time to pay attention to ourselves on another level, one we have most likely been avoiding.
Illness can serve us in many ways. It can be as simple as helping us to get out of work. Sometimes, we just need time off, but for whatever reason, we can’t seem to give ourselves permission to take it, so we get sick and then are forced to. This is much more socially acceptable in our minds than asking for a mental health day, or telling the boss that we’re tired and need to rest.
Other times, like with my client, illness can be meeting a deep unconscious need. When you really think about it, being sick gets us off the hook from a lot of things, like responsibility, expectations, or having to step into our greatness. It also gets us things like attention, love, compassion, understanding, forgiveness, patience, support, money, companionship, and caretaking, to name a few.
There are actually a zillion ways an illness can serve us, but no one ever wants to admit it, because it seems wrong to want these things, in the first place. The truth is, we have every right to want these things and to have them. But, we justify why we can’t just ask for what we want, “I can’t take time off right now, I’m too busy at work. I’ll look selfish, or like I’m not a team player.”
In the case of my client, she was more afraid of being homeless than of being sick. She was tired of taking care of herself and struggling. Disability paid for her to live without having to work anymore. I know it seems radical, but these are deep unconscious needs we are talking about. No one would make the decision consciously to get sick with cancer just to get out of having to work. It’s what our sub-conscious does, to meet an unmet need.
If you are willing to be honest enough with yourself and identify what need in you is being met by the illness, then you will have the opportunity to meet that need in another way. If you can say for instance, “I feel very alone and need my family around me”. Then you can ask for that and know you deserve to have it, without creating an illness to meet that need.
Obviously, to prevent illness, we must be awake to our needs, be willing to give ourselves what we need, when we need it, and know that we are deserving of that.
Illness is not a random act. It holds a purpose. Find that purpose, meet it head on, and you will be on your way to health once again.
To the Truth That Sets Us All Free,
Donna Gershman ALSP
PS. Don't Suffer: If you or someone you know needs support in healing a disease, illness, chronic condition or pain, please feel free to email me at youwillheal@aol.com or contact me directly at (818)904-6840.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
What's a Healer DO Anyway?
People ask me all the time what a healer actually does. The answer is "absolutely nothing", and the good ones do that really well. The less we do the better. The minute we think we have to fix something, that doesn't really exist in the first place, we're doomed and so are our patients.
So what do I mean by it doesn't really exist in the first place? Here is patient x, and she has end stage cancer and I'm saying to you that it doesn't exist!!! Have I lost my mind? Of course I have! And I have lost everything my mind would want to tell me about that too, like it's deadly, or very serious at the very least, and that we should be scared. A healer who's any good, will wipe all of that from their consciousness and begin to tell the truth about what REALLY is, and what really is, is that patient x is whole. That's right, whole. I said it. Even though they may be experiencing something called cancer or diabetes, or hypertension, or HIV/Aids or anything else for that matter, they are whole. It's true. I'm not lying, and no, I'm not naive or crazy, for that matter (well, maybe a little). I'm just a healer, who's good at knowing what to know, and un-knowing what is actually detrimental to know.
Michaelangelo's "David" was created in the artist's words by removing the material around the Masterpiece that did not belong. He simply removed that which was covering it up. The "David" was already whole and perfect. Michaelangelo, the healer/artist saw it's inherent perfection and called it forth.
We all have the capacity to do this in our own lives, to see the masterpiece of who we are, and to remove the self beliefs that are not congruent with that. When working with disease or illness, a good healer will know the person's innate perfection more than they identify with the outer condition of disease, and they will assist the patient in knowing the same. You would be so surprised how well the body will respond to that information. In fact, it's all it needs to feel good again. Sound too easy for you? I understand. We humans like to suffer and struggle sometimes to feel like we did something.
The fact is, a person's body will correlate to the person's beliefs and subsequent feelings about themselves and their world. To the degree that a patient is willing to see themselves as whole, perfect and complete they will begin to experience that in their body. Oftentimes, this is a process of greater and greater awareness and understanding, and greater and greater releasing of the beliefs that no longer serve them. The trick is an open mind and a willingness to look under the hood, to be radically honest with yourself about what you really think and feel, and to forgive yourself and all others that you believe have hurt you. A letting go of old pain will release old pain in the body.
Let's face it, most of who we are, lies in the invisible; our thoughts, our feelings, our connection to the universe. Our body is the only thing physical about us. In order to heal the body, we must go beyond just the physical, and look to the rest. If and when illness occurs, take it as a nudge from the universe that it's time for you to get honest with yourself about who you really are, and release the stories you have been telling yourself that bring you pain and resentment.
One thing I know for sure, if you are willing to do just that, like your life depended on it, you Will heal. In fact, you have absolutely nothing to lose, and absolutely everything to gain; your true self and the life you were always meant to live.
To the Truth that Sets Us All Free,
PS. Don't Suffer! If you or someone you know, needs support in healing a disease, illness, chronic condition or pain, please feel free to email me at youwillheal@aol.com or call my office at (818)904-6840.