Showing posts with label Choice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Choice. Show all posts

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Livin' it UP with Donna Gershman & Katie Miller (Episode 3)

Donna and Katie cover a lot of ground in this high spirited discussion on how to live in the light and be able to maintain a high vibration no matter what, the case for not avoiding negative people or situations, the importance of expressing anger, and the two paths that are always out in front of you


Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Are You Settling For Crumbs?

The mind thinks an average of 70,000 thoughts a day, almost all of which have nothing to do with God's Truth. If you're gonna use your mind, why not start thinking like God thinks. 

God's thoughts will align you with the field of possibilities. Your thoughts (from the linear mind) will only limit it...

God sees no limitations anywhere, and that includes in YOU. God knows that you have everything you need within you right now, to create and experience whatever you want. You are Unlimited! You have infinite potential. No-thing is actually stopping you. Why think small?

It's like having a giant buffet in front of you with everything you could ever want and it's all paid for. You get to decide what you want. It's unlimited, and it's all yours. Sadly, you are off in a corner eating the crumbs off the floor! Why would you ever settle for crumbs??

The universe needs you to take your power more seriously. Please stop listening to your fear-based, limited, scary thoughts and use the power of your mind to think Bigger. Know you can have anything on the buffet. It's okay. The universe wants you to have it and then tell everyone you love that they can have it too. 

Think Big, Believe, Keep Believing, Then Believe a little more. Stay Focused on what you want on the Buffet of Life, and lastly (wait for it......)You guessed it: "Don't Stop BELIEVIN!!!" Soon enough, you'll be going back for seconds and thirds, only with a much bigger plate.

To The Truth That Sets Us All Free,

Donna Gershman

PS. If you need help creating what you want and are willing to bring a bigger plate to the table, please email me at or call my office at (818)904-6840 to schedule a free 15 minute consultation.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

In a Nutshell...

Our minds are either working For us or working against us. The idea is to notice the thoughts and beliefs that you are running, and be willing to change the ones that are counter productive to what you want to create in your life. Humans tend to believe their own thoughts and opinions as if they are true. So, if we think our low opinions of ourselves are true, then our feelings will reflect what we believe and we'll feel not good enough to realize our dreams. We make decisions from those beliefs and subsequent feelings all the time, i.e... procrastinate, make excuses, sabotage ourselves, hold ourselves back, etc... But the real Truth is not in our thinking at all.

We are MORE than our thoughts about ourselves. We all have infinite potential. We have everything we need within us already. There is nothing that can limit us, but our own beliefs about ourselves. We all know this deep down inside. That's the rub, honestly. We know if we just put our mind to something, if we just believed, if we made a real decision, we would actually succeed. But the beliefs sabotage us and keep us small. Being willing to let go of the negative beliefs you Think are true about you, is the first step towards creating the life you really deserve.

I love the expression "you can be right or you can be happy". Be willing to be wrong about yourself, so you can start living. The reality is, if you're holding negative beliefs about yourself, no matter how right you think you are, how true you think your beliefs are, you're absolutely wrong! And that's a good thing. The actual Truth is on your side.

You can achieve whatever you're willing to, you can have whatever you're willing to receive. It starts with changing your mind about you.

Love and Light to each of you, on your path to waking up to your true selves. If you're reading this, I suspect you're almost there now.

To The Truth That Sets Us All Free,    

Donna Gershman

PS. Are you ready to start living the life you deserve but know you must get out of your own way to have it? You don't have to do it alone. Feel free to email me at
or contact my office at (818)904-6840 to set up a free consultation. All sessions are conducted by Telephone, Skype or Zoom.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Manifesting Made Easy

As a Spiritual teacher, I am a believer that our thoughts matter, that the thoughts we hold and give power to, how we focus our attention in other words, lends towards creating our human experience. If you hold an idea in mind long enough and believe in it wholeheartedly, the likelihood of it manifesting is good. That's why its important to hold onto our dreams with passion and a commitment to them.

Everything we see in the human world began with a divine idea. The chair you are sitting on is the result of someone, somewhere having an idea of it first, holding onto it long enough, being committed to it, likely through various challenges, until it came to full fruition. A lot goes into creating something we want to see. It takes a firm belief for something to manifest. The thing is, the better you are at holding an idea without buying into fear and limitations, the better the chances are you will create it. The more faith you have, the better. The more passion you have for it, the better. 

However, this principle also works in the reverse. If we have a belief we hold onto that we don't want to see happen, our tendency to energize that thought with fear is counterproductive. If we believe in something with passion, it can manifest. Therefore, our fear of something happening, that we don't want to see happen is also powerful and likely to manifest if we're not intervening in those thoughts. Yikes!

In reality, we are very powerful. We can create what we want. We can create what we don't want, and it's in our power at any given time, to change our thoughts and create a different experience. This puts our human experience squarely in our own hands with the use of our free will. So the question we always need to be asking ourselves individually and collectively is, where do we go from here? What do we want to see happen? What belief am I holding around that idea? Do I believe in its fulfillment or am I in doubt or fear over it?

In addition, if we, as a people want to see something different happening in our world, we must collectively believe in the possibilities instead of fueling our fears. We must hold steady and firm to our vision and with every ounce of faith we can muster up, move in the direction of it. We can not let our worst fears undermine our ability to create what we really want and deserve.

Simply put, stay positive, believe in the good happening and keep taking inspired action each day towards the vision. As a bonus, there's literally a bible verse that says, "where two or more are gathered" meaning when you agree on the vision with just one other person, it will actually magnify it's likelihood of manifestation.

Let's use the power available to us in the Universe to consciously create what we want to see in our individual lives, our country and in our world. We absolutely have the power to do that.

To The Truth That Sets Us all Free,

Donna Gershman ALSP

Are you wanting to move forward on a dream, or to change something in your life? Do you feel stuck, and know you're in your own way? Let's move that boulder together. Feel free to email me at, or contact my office at (818)904-6840 for a free telephone consultation or 20 minute tune-UP! All sessions are conducted by telephone or Skype.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Greater Things Than These

This is a hard blog to write. I’ve been sitting on this one for a while. I just have to be honest about it, I’ve been a little afraid to write it. You see, in telling this particular story, it means I have to come clean on a few things; things I’ve been afraid to tell the world. It’s never my intention to offend anyone, but I’m afraid this blog may do just that. I have come to the conclusion, however, that I must tell my truth regardless of how others may view it. So here it goes, come what may.

On June 20th of this year, I experienced an undeniable miracle. Now, many of you know that in my line of work as a healer, I often experience miracles, and I haven’t been shy about sharing those with you. But this one is different. This one has had a profound effect on me and has changed me forever.

So here’s where I have to come clean. One hour before this miracle took place, I had a conversation with Jesus. (To my Jewish family and friends, you may want to sit down for the rest of this). Here’s the back story:

I consider Jesus to be my teacher; my main inspiration as a healer.

However, for most of my life I didn’t even believe Jesus was real. He was like a fictional character that someone came up with to help teach parables through.  In my mind, he never existed. In growing up Jewish, there seemed to be so much taboo around the name Jesus that it seemed  safer just to stay away from the subject altogether.  As I got older, I found I would cringe every time I heard the word “Jesus”. It just made me uncomfortable. When I was at Agape, which is a trans-denominational Spiritual Center, every time I would hear them refer to Jesus the Christ, I felt like there was a conspiracy to turn me Christian, and I would freak a little.

But one day, about 15 years ago, all that changed. I had my first encounter with Jesus.

He literally just showed up. One day, I was alone in my friend’s living room waiting for her so we could go to lunch. Suddenly, something came over me…..out of nowhere. It was a tidal wave of Love that was so big, it consumed me. There was simply no room for anything else to exist…and the love was personal, it was for ME. It had a name tag attached to it too…I knew exactly whose love it was. There was no thinking necessary. It was clear. It was Jesus.

Jesus simply said to me, “I know you don’t believe in me, and that’s ok. I just wanted you to know that I love you.” And that was it. The love permeated me for several minutes and then it was gone…but it’s something I will never ever forget. What struck me was that he asked me for nothing. He didn’t say I had to believe in him. He didn’t ask me to change my life, nothing. He just wanted me to know that he loved me; his love was truly unconditional.

After that, there was no debating that he was real for me. I went on an immediate exploration to find anything that Jesus had actually said while he was here. I wasn’t interested in other people’s interpretations of what he said. I wanted to hear exactly what his words were. There were two things that I found that he said that really impacted me. First he said “It is done unto you as you believe” which seemed to me, the greatest secret to how things work, why things happen, and how to change them.

Secondly, and this is what inspired me to be a healer, he said “Greater things than these ye shall do”. He was referring to the many miracles that he performed while here.  This leads me to the miracle I experienced on June 20th. I bet you thought I would never get around to telling you.

So, that morning I was reflecting on my clients and how far I felt they had all come. This was an interesting revelation of sorts for me. I almost never take a retrospective look like this. I’m usually just focused on what’s in front of me.  At the same time, I felt a momentary frustration and decided to talk to Jesus, who I lovingly refer to now as my Brother.  I said to Jesus, “Well, I’m grateful all my clients are doing well, but Jesus you said, ’Greater things than these shall I do’, like greater than raise the dead and heal the blind! This is what you said, and that’s what I want. I want to maintain that kind of Consciousness, so that healings take place instantly. After all Jesus, you never said ‘pick up your bed and walk’… AND come back in two weeks so I can make sure you’re still alive. Your healings took place instantly. There was no waiting involved. This is what I want.”  My words to Jesus that morning are now haunting me.

One hour later, I was walking my little 7 lb. dog Max on our cul-de-sac, where I walk him several times a day. Just at that moment, one of my neighbors accidentally left their front door open and their 50 lb. Boxer charged out of their house and attacked Max before we could see it coming. It happened so fast, there was no time to react. I couldn’t get to my dog fast enough. The boxer had Max in his jaws and I saw him crunch down on his head. My dog went limp and it was all over. My mind could not fully comprehend what was happening. I knew my dog was dead, but a bigger part of me was not having it.

I heard the words loudly in my head that I tell my clients every day. “God is FOR you! There is nothing against you! There is no death in God!” Suddenly, everything came to a standstill. It was like I stepped out of time completely. What was seemingly impossible became possible. The next thing I knew, I had my hands in the jaw of the Boxer and I pried her mouth open. My dog’s body fell into my arms. In a flash, I remember seeing the boxer’s face looking at me, as if she had no idea what had just happened.

I ran back to my house with my dog in my arms. There were no signs of life. One part of me had no idea what to do. Our veterinarian was not close by. I had no idea where there was an emergency hospital to take him. If I had been judging by the appearances, I would have just brought him inside my house, laid him down somewhere and cried. But there was this other part of me that was more in charge. It was telling me what to do. It said, “Get in the car” so I did. I backed out of my driveway with Max still on my lap. I knew I could not take my hands off of him. Just then, my neighbor Joe saw me. He later told me he saw blood all over my face and that’s why he stopped me. He asked what happened and if I wanted him to drive. He took my place behind the wheel as I held Max in the passenger’s seat. I still had no idea where to go, but Spirit kept talking to me, all the while Joe kept asking me, “which way?” I would chime in “take a left, take a right”…like I knew where we were going. In the meantime, I was praying like a fiend over Max who had not moved in several minutes. His eyes had become cloudy and he was clearly not in his body. My mind would not let me accept what seemed obvious. I just kept praying over him and saying things like, “get back in your body! You’re not going today!” along with everything I knew about God. “God is right where you are, Max. God is in every cell of your body. God is your life….” And so on. In between declarations, I would look up and say to Joe, “get in the left lane, pass that car, take a left here”, not knowing where we were headed until we got there. Just as we pulled into an emergency animal hospital, Max came back into his body and began to breathe again. He had been gone for several minutes, the entire time it took for us to find this place that God directed me to.

Without going into every detail, I can tell you that every moment was orchestrated from “on high”, as we say at Agape. God was in charge. I felt it. I felt inwardly connected, guided, directed, and informed in every moment. I might not have known what was coming, but I knew that all was well. There were times, in fact that I noticed I was being “more dramatic” than my inner directives were calling for. I guess I thought drama seemed appropriate given the outer circumstances. But somewhere inside of me, despite the obvious challenges of what I was moving through, despite the workings of my “need to know and understand everything” mind, despite my tendency to entertain doubt at times, there was a strong and palpable TRUTH inviting me to know it.

Today, Max is fully recovered… with the exception of losing his sight in his left eye. The irony of that has not escaped me.
Every day I remind him that he has no limitations in God and that God is seeing clearly through him…. My guess is though, that it is not Max that needs reminding at all. This part of the lesson plan, “to heal the blind” I am still working on.

I feel as though I have been initiated into another level as a healer. It is humbling.

I know that the power that came through me that day that declared the experience I was choosing to have, and denied any other, and the conviction of my mind and words, ultimately created the outcome that I experienced. Somehow, I leaned into all I knew about God, and was able to take an experience that was scary, horrifying and negative and stand in a place of “knowing the good” and insist on it. I will be forever grateful for the inner guidance (God’s clear direction) that supported me in being able to do that.

“It is done unto you as you believe” and “greater things than these ye shall do” are words that invite us to challenge ourselves to become more than we ever imagined possible. Jesus wasn’t just speaking to the healers when he spoke these words. He was speaking to all of us, beckoning us to go beyond our fear based linear minds, to know how powerful we truly are, and to use our minds to create the “Good” we seek to experience, as well as truly deserve.

As dramatic as this may sound, it is important to understand that YOU are MORE powerful than any challenging human experience you may be having. If the experience has you in a whirlwind, then the tail is wagging the dog, so to speak. You have given your power away to the circumstance. However, if in a moment of real clarity, you decide to allow a different experience more to your liking, then, and only then, will you be standing in your true power in God. In the midst of any challenging situation, there is a good that is waiting for you to claim. You have the power to do that.

To the Truth that sets us All Free,

Donna Gershman ALSP

PS. You can heal, and you don't have to do it alone! If you or someone you know needs support in healing any issue, whether it be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, please feel free to email me at, or contact my office at (818)904-6840 for a free telephone consultation.