Thursday, May 16, 2024

Meeting Jesus And Other Miracles

I recently was a guest on Valerie Day's fabulous podcast, "Prayers and P*ssy". I shared some cool stories on the many miracles I have experienced as a Healer. May this remind you of your own power and ignite the possibilities within you.


Thursday, April 4, 2024

Treat AND Move Your Feet

There's an expression we use regularly in Spiritual circles. It's "Treat and move your feet". Treating means Prayer. It means praying to see beyond the human appearances, opinions and judgments of any situation, and instead going straight to God's Truth, seeing as God sees and knowing as God knows. In other words, to know the good of God is everywhere, and be riveted on this Truth, and hold the space for that to be seen and experienced fully. We call this "Holding the High Watch".

The "move your feet" part of the equation means... do what you're called to do in this physical world that we live in. So prayer is not enough. You must do your individual part as well, to create what you want to see in this world.

Ultimately, we have been charged with bringing Heaven to Earth, meaning to hold the vision of what is possible for this world (Peace, Unconditional Love, Oneness, Freedom, Equality, Joy, Abundance, etc...) and then embody it here on earth. Each one of us Treating AND Moving our Feet is the equation that creates the world we seek.

What vision are you holding and what action are you being called to take in the world? Listen to your inner guidance and be willing to move your feet in the direction of the completed vision.

To The Truth That Sets Us All Free,

Donna Gershman

If you need assistance in getting clear of the true vision for your life, and guidance on how to get there, feel free to reach out to my office at (818)904-6840 or email me at for a free consultation.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

A Single Hour

My Uncle David saw an ending to his roughly 81 years on the planet last week. He was struck by a car and killed while crossing the street on his way home.  He had just left the evening prayer service at his Synagogue where he served daily for most of his life. The irony of that does not get by me.

I freely admit, I did not really know much of the details of my Uncle’s daily life. I had moved far away from home when I was just 23 and missed out on a lot with my family over the years. My uncle was just 20 years older than me, the youngest of his 2 other siblings, my mother being the middle child and my other Uncle Hyman being the eldest. With David’s passing, it leaves my mother as the only surviving family member of her nuclear family.

Neither David, nor the rest of our family saw this coming. I can only describe it as a sucker punch to our collective gut. A huge cement block that made up the foundation of our family, just got kicked out from underneath us, and now we’re all feeling a bit shaky and unstable. We could not have predicted this either.

This has really hit us hard.

Uncle David was an orthodox Jew. The rest of us are varying degrees of observant, with me being the least, and by least, I mean not at all.

I was the black sheep of our family. I gave up Judaism long ago and in my late 20’s began exploring my Spirituality through a trans-denominational Spiritual Center in Los Angeles called Agape, which means Unconditional Love. I attended services weekly and ultimately studied and became licensed as a Spiritual Practitioner. 

On the surface, Uncle David and I could not have been more different. I am a lesbian married to a woman who is not Jewish and every year we celebrate Christmas. In addition, I met Jesus in my 30’s, became a healer, and for 25 years now have conducted all my sessions with my clients with Jesus on hand. So, naturally when it came to my relationship with my Uncle, I kept my beliefs to myself. 

A day after he passed, the funeral was held at his synagogue. Most of my family had to participate by zoom as there was a blizzard that day, and it wasn’t safe to travel. My brother and sister-in-law were also out of town visiting my mother at the time. They were the ones who delivered the news to her. I can’t help but feel that was divinely ordained. My mother is turning 92 in a few weeks. I was glad she didn’t have to get that news over the phone or be alone afterwards. God’s mercy was obvious.

So my mother sat at her kitchen table huddled with my brother and wife watching the funeral for my Uncle on a 13” laptop.  I was 3000 miles away on the other coast watching at my desk, as the Rabbi began speaking about David who just 20 hours earlier had helped him facilitate the shabbat prayer service.  In orthodox Judaism, you don’t drive your car on the Sabbath, which is why David was walking home when he was hit by the car. 

The Rabbi began to speak and three words in, stopped. A moment later, he started again, and again he could not continue. He was overcome with grief. 

Another sucker punch. After several attempts, he was able to get through it. There were no assurances made. No Spiritual takes on the situation. Just a simple assessment of the man that David was to so many who knew him. 

The service lasted just an hour, one hour to sum up a man’s entire life. 

A handful of people spoke, one of his elder sons, 2 grandchildren, a couple colleagues at the synagogue; one who read the heartfelt letter that my brother had written that morning about my Uncle. They ended the service with Prayers recited in Hebrew. 

And in that single hour, I learned more about my Uncle than I ever knew about him in all my 60 years on the planet.  

My perception of who he was was a lovable oddball of sorts, different, old-school, devout, and somewhat un-relatable for me. For instance, Uncle David kept kosher and the rest of the family didn’t, so he often missed out on family events when food was involved like family cook-outs or Thanksgiving. That was hard, but over time we learned to accept it. His choice to be religious, sometimes kept him separate from the rest of us, and that didn't feel worth the price we paid for it in the big picture.

But after that single hour, I walked away with a much fuller picture of who he really was; a holy man who spent his entire life in service to others, with little to no thought for himself, who showed his love and concern readily and consistently to everyone he knew, and even to those he didn’t know. Uncle David was the definition of selfless. We knew him as the family historian who never forgot to remind  each of us when to light a yahrzeit candle for someone who had passed, who kept track of how each remote cousin was related, and called to congratulate each of us on happy occasions or check in when someone was ill. In my fragmented perception and my disappointment of not being closer to him, I neglected to appreciate the sacrifices he made daily for the sake of God. 

David’s body was transported to Israel later that night and buried the next morning. He was wrapped in a shroud and laid to rest in a simple shallow grave on a hill overlooking Jerusalem. Just the way he wanted it. It was somehow befitting for a simple man with a singular intention to love everyone he met, to pray unceasingly and to be of service to God. 

In a single hour, I learned everything that really mattered about my Uncle David. It’s hard to believe that your whole life can be synthesized down to an hour.  But in his case, it could have been one word; Holy.

When your hour comes, what do you want people to say about you? How will people say you spent your time on earth? What will they say was important to you? What will you want people to remember or to take away from having known you?

Uncle David’s sudden passing and my new fuller understanding and appreciation for his life, has caused me to reprioritize where my attention goes. Instead of worrying, instead of trying to fix things we judge as being broken or get things or earn things, or spending time wanting things, instead of spending precious time focused in the wrong ways, maybe the best use of all of our time is simply to show up with love in every situation and every relationship despite our human perceptions. 

In whatever time I have left, l am committed to being more like my Uncle David; keeping it simple and being simply about the business of love.

To The Truth That Sets Us All Free,

Donna Gershman

PS. If you need support in getting into alignment with your life purpose, releasing fear and resistance and living a life of meaning and Joy, please contact my office at (818)904-6840 or email me at for a free consultation. Life is short. Don't waste another minute feeling unfulfilled.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Livin' it UP with Donna Gershman & Katie Miller (Episode 3)

Donna and Katie cover a lot of ground in this high spirited discussion on how to live in the light and be able to maintain a high vibration no matter what, the case for not avoiding negative people or situations, the importance of expressing anger, and the two paths that are always out in front of you


Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Livin' it UP with Donna Gershman & Katie Miller (Episode 2)

Take a deep dive with Donna Gershman (Intuitive Healer and Spiritual Counselor) and Katie Miller (Choreographer, Dancer and Teacher) as they have another spontaneous, unscripted and Spiritually provocative conversation that covers everything from how to draw to you your perfect life partner, how to overcome a busy mind, and the steps to healing depression and other conditions.


Thursday, May 25, 2023

Be Wrong To Be Well

If you need a lift, this should do it!! "Be Wrong To Be Well" is a high vibrational and eye opening discussion on what it takes to heal anything in your life.

Friday, April 7, 2023

Livin' it UP with Donna Gershman & Katie Miller (Episode 1)

Go Deep and Laugh at loud as Katie Miller sits down with Donna Gershman (Intuitive Healer and Spiritual Counselor) to discuss all things Spiritual, such as how she met Jesus, the many miracles she has experienced in her work, the root cause of all illness, and the importance of our beliefs in healing.


Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Are You Settling For Crumbs?

The mind thinks an average of 70,000 thoughts a day, almost all of which have nothing to do with God's Truth. If you're gonna use your mind, why not start thinking like God thinks. 

God's thoughts will align you with the field of possibilities. Your thoughts (from the linear mind) will only limit it...

God sees no limitations anywhere, and that includes in YOU. God knows that you have everything you need within you right now, to create and experience whatever you want. You are Unlimited! You have infinite potential. No-thing is actually stopping you. Why think small?

It's like having a giant buffet in front of you with everything you could ever want and it's all paid for. You get to decide what you want. It's unlimited, and it's all yours. Sadly, you are off in a corner eating the crumbs off the floor! Why would you ever settle for crumbs??

The universe needs you to take your power more seriously. Please stop listening to your fear-based, limited, scary thoughts and use the power of your mind to think Bigger. Know you can have anything on the buffet. It's okay. The universe wants you to have it and then tell everyone you love that they can have it too. 

Think Big, Believe, Keep Believing, Then Believe a little more. Stay Focused on what you want on the Buffet of Life, and lastly (wait for it......)You guessed it: "Don't Stop BELIEVIN!!!" Soon enough, you'll be going back for seconds and thirds, only with a much bigger plate.

To The Truth That Sets Us All Free,

Donna Gershman

PS. If you need help creating what you want and are willing to bring a bigger plate to the table, please email me at or call my office at (818)904-6840 to schedule a free 15 minute consultation.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

What's In This Illness For Me?


Illness and disease are never a random act or retribution from an angry, punishing God. It is caused by a person being out of alignment with their own Spirit. The exception to this being, a child’s illness. In these cases, it presents an opportunity for a larger healing within the family unit and even for the caretakers.

The prescribed treatment however, is always the same; it’s deep reflection of one’s mental, emotional and Spiritual life. The payoff to doing this kind of deep inner work, is not only regaining conscious alignment with your Spirit and of course healing your body, but also a healing of your entire life. That’s a big payoff!

It cannot be overstated, that within all illness is a life affirming and transformative opportunity that is more than worth your time and serious attention. Embrace it and you will have found the best medicine in town.

To The Truth That Sets Us All Free,

Donna Gershman

PS. Facing an illness alone can be daunting. If you would like support to heal the real cause of your illness, please call my office at (818)904-6840 or email me at to set up a free 15-minute consultation.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Pray Believing

The word, and even concept of "prayer" can be off-putting for some, especially if it's associated with religion or a man in the sky. But we can pray "knowing" the fulfillment of our prayers without religion or God. Honestly, God doesn't care if we believe in it or not. Prayers are still fulfilled regardless if we believe in a higher power.

Start by imagining that whatever you are seeking, is already fulfilled, has already been given. We don't need to wait for it because it's already done. Know that nothing is ever being withheld and that the Universe wants us to thrive.
In fact, maybe the universe is waiting for us to ALLOW what we want. What if the only thing that needs to actually happen is for us to believe, and to drop any and all fear of the prayer not being answered? What if our doubt and cynicism are what keep us from having what we truly want? 
If Faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things unseen, then the trick is, we must first believe in the answered prayer, before we can see the evidence of it. This is why I like to say, 
"Affirmative Prayer Will Get You There!"
Pray affirming you already have the thing you seek, and it will surely find you.

To The Truth That Sets Us ALL Free,

Donna Gershman

PS. Are you ready to create miracles in your life? Would you like to learn how? Contact me for a free 15 minute Consultation at (818)904-6840 or email me at

Monday, July 11, 2022

Your Greatest Passion

Challenges are a catalyst for deep transformation. This quote from Wes Moore might be helpful for those moving through financial stress, job loss, career change, etc..

"A job is an occupation. Your work is when your greatest passion starts overlapping with the world's greatest needs."

If you find yourself without a job, Thank God (or your Higher Power/Universe 😉) and begin to search inward for your life's work. There is much you have to offer a world with many needs....

To The Truth That Sets Us All Free,

Donna Gershman

PS. Did you know that Spiritual work is astoundingly effective, in that a slight shift in Consciousness can change your life dramatically for the better? Together, we can move whatever has been in your way of creating the life you want. Call me for a Free Consultation at (818)904-6840 or email me at

Thursday, July 7, 2022

In a Nutshell...

Our minds are either working For us or working against us. The idea is to notice the thoughts and beliefs that you are running, and be willing to change the ones that are counter productive to what you want to create in your life. Humans tend to believe their own thoughts and opinions as if they are true. So, if we think our low opinions of ourselves are true, then our feelings will reflect what we believe and we'll feel not good enough to realize our dreams. We make decisions from those beliefs and subsequent feelings all the time, i.e... procrastinate, make excuses, sabotage ourselves, hold ourselves back, etc... But the real Truth is not in our thinking at all.

We are MORE than our thoughts about ourselves. We all have infinite potential. We have everything we need within us already. There is nothing that can limit us, but our own beliefs about ourselves. We all know this deep down inside. That's the rub, honestly. We know if we just put our mind to something, if we just believed, if we made a real decision, we would actually succeed. But the beliefs sabotage us and keep us small. Being willing to let go of the negative beliefs you Think are true about you, is the first step towards creating the life you really deserve.

I love the expression "you can be right or you can be happy". Be willing to be wrong about yourself, so you can start living. The reality is, if you're holding negative beliefs about yourself, no matter how right you think you are, how true you think your beliefs are, you're absolutely wrong! And that's a good thing. The actual Truth is on your side.

You can achieve whatever you're willing to, you can have whatever you're willing to receive. It starts with changing your mind about you.

Love and Light to each of you, on your path to waking up to your true selves. If you're reading this, I suspect you're almost there now.

To The Truth That Sets Us All Free,    

Donna Gershman

PS. Are you ready to start living the life you deserve but know you must get out of your own way to have it? You don't have to do it alone. Feel free to email me at
or contact my office at (818)904-6840 to set up a free consultation. All sessions are conducted by Telephone, Skype or Zoom.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Spiritual Relationship Hacks; How To Attract Your Perfect Partner.

I have spent most of my 55 years on the planet wondering if I would someday meet my perfect life partner, the love of my life. Actually, I didn't just wonder. I worried. I feared. I obsessed. I made vision boards. I read hundreds of relationship books. I went to therapy. I went to Practitioners. I worked on Mommy issues. I worked on Daddy issues. I went on dating sights. I dated. I moved in. They moved in. It worked. It didn't work. I loved. I lost. I let go. It hurt like hell. I recovered. And then, I rinsed and repeated over and over again.

Mostly, I have worried that I wasn't good enough. I wasn't pretty enough. I didn't have a beautiful enough body. I didn't have enough money. I wasn't successful enough. There might be something wrong with me...on and on. And I wondered why I wasn't drawing that perfect person into my life!!
I can't help but see the irony of it all now, and the humor frankly.

It was like I was wanting the Universe to present me the perfect person for me, you know, the one I had described a thousand different times in my journals, that had all those amazing qualities, all while I talked trash about me, and thought of myself as not really deserving! So apparently, I was wanting to find someone that was way better than me who would be happy with someone way less than they deserved! Are you seeing the irony yet?

Seriously, are we actually telling the Universe that we want to attract the perfect person while we secretly believe we're critically flawed? Looks like Mr. Right or Mrs. Right is headed towards the short end of the stick!!!

This is just not how it works. For you to attract that perfect person to you, you actually have to see yourself as worthy. You have to know you're a catch! You can't pretend to be one. You can't just act like you love yourself or love your own company. You have to fall in love with who you are. You have to first and foremost, fall in love with yourself. After all, when Mr. or Ms. Right walks into your life, don't they deserve the best back? So, if you're going to show up to the party, don't show up with a half a bag of broken pretzels and expect to attract a full bag to you. Truthfully, do you really want to be that person who brings a small container of hummus to the potluck and then takes home containers of leftovers?

So, here's what it comes down to. It's not that you have to become someone you're not, or someone you think others would want. It's not that you need to become someone better than you currently are. You don't need to remake yourself. You need to own who you already are. You need to know that you are perfect just as you are right now. All of your fears and worries about not being good enough; none of that is real. I know it can feel real, but did you know that it can feel real and true without it actually being real or true? We can have a fear of the dark and not actually have anything there to hurt us, right? Fear can be compelling but also a good liar.

Here's the deal. God made you perfect and God wants you to know it! Simple but not always easy. Ask yourself this: Would you want to date you? Why? Do you know, really know deep down inside that you're a catch? Because you absolutely need to know that, and if you don't, then that's your work.
Look at it this way. Do you want to attract a partner who has low self-esteem and doesn't really know who they are? I think not. Remember, I'm not talking about attracting a "Mr. or Ms. Okay, for now". I'm talking about attracting your Forever Life Partner. The key is to accept that you are a serious catch, no matter what your mind tries to tell you. No matter what you think is lacking in you or broken or missing altogether. The Reality is that you are way better than you think you are. A book that was written thousands of years ago says, "You are made from God's Image and Likeness and out of Perfection". Wow, can you imagine that? If not, that's where I would start.

I have a theory. I believe that the moment we genuinely understand and accept that about ourselves is the same moment we become available to having what we truly want. We're not really available to our good until we do. Most of the time, because of our resistance to knowing our perfection, we go through life accepting scraps and making choices that are less than what we truly deserve. But once we awake to our full throttle perfection in God, once we embrace all of who we are unconditionally, "all things are added unto us".

Fall in love with yourself and your life. Remember who made you.
I had a friend once say to me that her life was so great without a partner, that she would need to meet the Perfect person before she would consider changing her life for anyone. I thought that was a good measure for loving oneself. Love your life so much that you are discerning about whether you should change your life for someone else. Can you say that right now about you and your life? If not, become that person and you will draw more to you than you know what to do with. Your biggest problem will be fending them off.

Last year, at the age of 54, I met my forever person, and next year at the age of 56, I will be getting married for the very first time in my life. Honestly, it took me this long to accept that I was a catch. But, as soon as I did, she appeared in my life and I literally didn't have to do a single thing to make it happen. It is more than obvious to me now, that if I only knew then what I know now, and what I am sharing here with you, she might have found me sooner. But nonetheless, once you wake up to your true perfection in God, not from an "act-as-if" place or pretending, but from a genuine knowing, "all things are added unto you" and "all the time the locusts have eaten is given back to you". Truly, the only thing necessary to attracting your perfect life partner is real Self-Love.

To The Truth That Sets Us All Free,

Donna Gershman

Are you ready to go from Complacency to Conquering in your life?  Let's remove whatever road blocks have been in your way. Spiritual work is the gift that keeps on giving. With a slight shift in Consciousness, your life can change dramatically for the better. Call me for a Free Consultation at (818)904-6840 or email me at
For a change to happen, you must make a change....

Monday, April 30, 2018

The House That God Bought (Part 2) (When Faith Is Hard to Find)

It is widely accepted that buying any habitable home in Los Angeles, as a single, self-employed person is not easy. In fact, I'm pretty sure I could get the entire population of 4 million people here to agree with that statement. But, what's that have to do with the TRUTH???

When you live in my world and are surrounded by other Miracle minded people, you live in an altered state of reality most of the time, and that's good. You want to live in an altered state of reality because why would you want to be plagued with limiting beliefs? Why would you want to join into other people's limiting thoughts and then get other people to agree with you on them? You wouldn't. In order to have what you want, you absolutely have to think out of the ordinary box that almost every living person thinks from, the linear one.

For example, linear thoughts sound like this. "I don't make enough money to buy that house". "My credit isn't good enough". "I don't have enough for the down payment". They all sound reasonable, right? And most people would agree with those beliefs." Yah, you're probably not going to be able to do it". Or how about the people who actually volunteer to share their limiting thoughts with you so you can borrow them? I call them naysayers. They are the non-believers. "Well, when Joe and I bought our house, it took us almost 40 years to save what we needed. Maybe it's just better for you to rent, dear" Yikes, who wants to hear that? But they just planted that seed right into your Consciousness without maybe either of you knowing it. Now, you will secretly be harboring a fear that it'll take you years to make it happen and maybe you should just give up on the idea because it just doesn't make sense!!!!

NOPE! These are just fears born from false beliefs and they have nothing to do with how the Universe actually works. It works according to YOUR beliefs, which you have complete control over, except for the ones you might not be aware of, for instance, the subconscious ones. If you understand how much your beliefs matter, then staying mindful of your thoughts is critical. The real pesky ones are the ones you're not exactly aware of, but are having field-day in your Consciousness and causing havoc in your life.

To get to those, you have to be radically honest with yourself.....There's an old expression that goes like this: "If you ever want to know what you believe, try looking at your life!" You can also ask yourself some tough questions like, "Do I really believe I can have what I want?" "Do I feel worthy of having what I want?" "What do I really believe about this?" I bet you'll start discovering what you really believe, and whatever that is, count on it making itself known in your life, good or bad.

So this brings me to the story about "The House That God Bought." First of all, you should know, it's my house! God bought it for me! I mean it. It sure as heck wasn't me. Afterall, I'm a single person living in LA where houses cost a small fortune and I'm a Spiritual Counselor, not Rockefeller. You feeling me? But here's the thing I do know. None of that matters when you know how to make the Law of the Universe work for you, which I definitely do. And you can too.

Just to keep it real, this did not happen overnight. It took me 17 years to be exact. I rented all those years and never really thought I would ever be able to buy it. When the landlord called one day and said he had to sell it, I almost blew a Spiritual gasket! I couldn't imagine not being able to live here anymore. I love this place. But, I just could not see how I could do it. The math simply didn't add up.

The thing is though, God had a different plan. I kept meeting people, strangers who would say the most incredible things to me. One day on an airplane, a woman who was sitting next to me told me that she was a mortgage broker. At this point, I already had no less than 15 mortgage brokers tell me flat out, "NO". "No Way!" "Sorry" "It ain't happening" and my favorite one, "Are you dreaming right now?" Well, that one was my mother. Anyway, this woman  (you know who you are) looked at me straight in the eyes and asked me where was my FAITH? She just kept saying, "Oh, it's going to happen. You're going to buy that house!" I looked at her like she was on crack. At that moment, as nice as it was to hear, I had to admit she was right, I lacked complete faith. I just could not wrap my mind around the possibility of it happening because I was glued to the linear facts, and I had 15 mortgage brokers confirming I was right.

Then one day the Landlord called me back and said he had to put the sale of the home on the backburner for a while because of a personal issue. I was so relieved. I knew it would eventually circle back around, but for now, I had a slight reprieve from the daily worry of where I was going to move when I couldn't buy the house!

In that year, things changed in my life. More money came to me. I had a more secure income, and the most important detail of all, I started leaning into other people's faith because I knew I lacked my own on this issue. Sometimes you have to borrow someone else's faith and be willing to suspend your own lack of belief, so you can actually get what you want. I was totally willing to be wrong about what I thought I was right about! In other words, if being wrong meant I could get the house, I was down with that.

It's really amazing when I think about it, just how attached we get to our ideas even when they are self-sabotaging. We would rather have a negative outcome and prove ourselves "right" than to do the inner work necessary to change our thinking. Sometimes, we'll even fight for "our limiting beliefs" with other people. Just for the record, when you start a sentence with, "you just don't understand", you're probably fighting for your limitations. So I would catch myself saying to people who were trying to encourage me to have faith, things like, "You don't understand. I've had 15 people tell me no. It's just not happening. Maybe I need to start thinking about moving". I had turned into my own version of Debbie Downer.

Sometimes, I think we're afraid to believe. We're afraid to jump in with both feet and commit to believing something good can happen for us. After all, if it didn't come to pass, the disappointment would be devastating. It might actually kill our Spirit and keep us from ever wanting anything ever again. Maybe that's why I wasn't willing to believe something this important to me, something I've always dreamt of, (owning my own house), could actually happen for me. These are the things that happen to "other", more fortunate people than me, I thought. Somewhere in my subconscious, I actually believed that I could not have what I wanted. I wasn't good enough and I didn't deserve it. Sound familiar? I'm hoping it does, otherwise, I have to face the fact that I'm the only one that has dark unconscious self-sabotaging beliefs operating that keep me from having what I want sometimes, especially if I don't stay aware and intervene in them.

So, I decided to lean into my friend's and my Practitioner's understanding. For them, it was easy to see something good happening for me. They weren't all caught up in the "how's" like I was. They were simply "holding the space" for the highest and best to happen. Each of them would affirm that it was already done in the mind of God, that it was God's good pleasure for me to have this house. They knew that my desire for this house was really God's vision for me and therefore God knew how to make it happen.

I have learned that to actually have what we want, we must be willing to claim it, remove all doubt from our mind (in other words, get out of our own way), give ourselves permission to have it and then just allow it to happen. We often think we have to negotiate with God, beg, and plead our case. Just know all negotiating is with ourselves. God is already a yes.

So, armed with the faith of a mustard seed, and I mean that small, but also a legion of prayer warriors knowing the all-possibilities for me, the landlord came down in his price and sold me the house for $200,000 under market value! His words to me at the time were, "Donna, the money I would make on this house will not change my life, but the money you save, will."

The mortgage broker who was helping me said, that in 20 years as a broker she had never seen anything like that. She said it was a miracle and that it renewed her faith in humanity. For me, it renewed my faith in possibility thinking, the necessity of coming out of linear thinking when creating my dreams, and the power of a prayer posse to know the Truth when I just couldn't do it for myself. 

Ultimately, I had to "own" the idea that God was for me, God planted this dream in my heart and therefore, it was what God wanted for me too, before I could "own" my own house.

When something you want and dream of looks impossible, know that's the Universe's way of asking you to stretch your Faith and get out of your own way. ALL things are possible, especially our dreams when we come out of our own limiting thinking, and trust that the Universe already knows how to fulfill them without us having to figure it all out. 

To The Truth That Sets Us All Free,

Donna Gershman 

Are you wanting to move forward on a dream, or to change something in your life? Do you feel stuck, and know you're in your own way? Let's move that boulder together. Feel free to email
me at, or contact my office at (818)904-6840 for a free consultation or a  20-Minute Tune-UP! All sessions are conducted by telephone or SKYPE

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Manifesting Made Easy

As a Spiritual teacher, I am a believer that our thoughts matter, that the thoughts we hold and give power to, how we focus our attention in other words, lends towards creating our human experience. If you hold an idea in mind long enough and believe in it wholeheartedly, the likelihood of it manifesting is good. That's why its important to hold onto our dreams with passion and a commitment to them.

Everything we see in the human world began with a divine idea. The chair you are sitting on is the result of someone, somewhere having an idea of it first, holding onto it long enough, being committed to it, likely through various challenges, until it came to full fruition. A lot goes into creating something we want to see. It takes a firm belief for something to manifest. The thing is, the better you are at holding an idea without buying into fear and limitations, the better the chances are you will create it. The more faith you have, the better. The more passion you have for it, the better. 

However, this principle also works in the reverse. If we have a belief we hold onto that we don't want to see happen, our tendency to energize that thought with fear is counterproductive. If we believe in something with passion, it can manifest. Therefore, our fear of something happening, that we don't want to see happen is also powerful and likely to manifest if we're not intervening in those thoughts. Yikes!

In reality, we are very powerful. We can create what we want. We can create what we don't want, and it's in our power at any given time, to change our thoughts and create a different experience. This puts our human experience squarely in our own hands with the use of our free will. So the question we always need to be asking ourselves individually and collectively is, where do we go from here? What do we want to see happen? What belief am I holding around that idea? Do I believe in its fulfillment or am I in doubt or fear over it?

In addition, if we, as a people want to see something different happening in our world, we must collectively believe in the possibilities instead of fueling our fears. We must hold steady and firm to our vision and with every ounce of faith we can muster up, move in the direction of it. We can not let our worst fears undermine our ability to create what we really want and deserve.

Simply put, stay positive, believe in the good happening and keep taking inspired action each day towards the vision. As a bonus, there's literally a bible verse that says, "where two or more are gathered" meaning when you agree on the vision with just one other person, it will actually magnify it's likelihood of manifestation.

Let's use the power available to us in the Universe to consciously create what we want to see in our individual lives, our country and in our world. We absolutely have the power to do that.

To The Truth That Sets Us all Free,

Donna Gershman ALSP

Are you wanting to move forward on a dream, or to change something in your life? Do you feel stuck, and know you're in your own way? Let's move that boulder together. Feel free to email me at, or contact my office at (818)904-6840 for a free telephone consultation or 20 minute tune-UP! All sessions are conducted by telephone or Skype.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Chasing the Hare

Mr. Gerke made a difference. He was my high school English teacher. One time, he assigned the class a creative writing project and gave us an entire month to complete it. I remember having a great idea on what I would write about, and being extremely excited to do it. But the entire month went by, and when it came time to hand it in, I didn't.

Mr. Gerke came up to me after class and without asking me why I didn't turn it in, he simply said, “Donna, I'm giving you a homework assignment. I want you to go home and write the worst paper you have ever written.” I looked at him bewildered. What did he mean by the worst paper ever? How was I going to do that? And why? Then he made me promise that no matter what, I would turn it in the next day.

So, I went home and proceeded to write what I considered to be a really, bad paper. But still, I remember having thoughts like, “What if this isn't bad enough?” “What do I have to do to make this worse?” and struggling with the assignment. The next day, I begrudgingly passed it in. Mr. Gerke took one look at it and immediately put an A+ at the top of the paper without so much as reading a single sentence. I said to him, “Wait! Aren't you even going to read it? And why are you giving me an A+ on a bad paper?”

Mr Gerke quietly turned to me and said, “Donna, what you need to realize is that your worst, is better than most people’s best. All you need to do, is just turn it in.” I could still cry when I think of that moment.

Mr. Gerke had the wisdom to know that my problem was not that I didn't want to do the work, but that I was afraid to do it. I was afraid of it not being perfect. I would have big ideas in my head, but somehow they never seemed to be as good, once executed. This led me to feel that no matter what I did, it was never as good as the actual idea and therefore always felt that my work was not good enough.

Even then, as a child, I knew I was blessed with great big ideas that were not necessarily coming from me. I knew I was being gifted with them, but with that, came a great responsibility. Somehow, I felt I was failing God by not having the final product match perfectly with the original idea. That’s why I had a problem turning in my homework. It was often more palatable for me to turn in nothing than to turn in something that didn’t rise to the vision.

Mr. Gerke, in his wisdom recognized that I had a typical perfection complex, the need to try to be perfect in everything I did. And by the way, I still do. But, his words to me, still reverberate in my head 35 years later. “Just turn it in.”

Now, when I counsel kids on the weekends who want to go to college, and their parents tell me that their child does the homework, but never turns it in, I think of Mr. Gerke, and how he made a young girl feel seen and understood for the very first time. I tell them this story. I tell them they're good enough just as they are. I tell them to turn it in, no matter what.

I still struggle with following through and completing things, but most of all, about feeling good about the things I do complete. I have come to understand, that our idea of perfection is an elusive counterpart. Like chasing the mechanical hare in a greyhound race, you will never catch up to it, and trying to, will only make you feel worse. Best thing to do is trust that the real assignment is not how good something is, but whether you turned it in at all. Did you show up? Did you say yes? Did you allow the vision to be made real through you? If yes, then you've done your part. Feel good about it.

So, run your race, write your play, sing your song.... Know you are good enough right now. The pursuit of perfection should never be the goal. It's knowing that whatever you do is perfect as it is, and you are perfect and always will be, just as you are.

To The Truth That Sets Us all Free,

Donna Gershman ALSP

Are you wanting to move forward on a dream, or to change something in your life? Do you feel stuck, and know you're in your own way? Let's move that boulder together. Feel free to email me at, or contact my office at (818)904-6840 for a free telephone consultation or 20 minute tune-UP! All sessions are conducted by telephone or Skype.

* PS. Thank you, Mr. Gerke. And, sorry for starting this sentence with AND.

                                           Mr Gerke reading my article 

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Initiation Into Power

"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any." - Alice Walker

Several years ago, I had a horrible nightmare. I've never forgotten it. After it was over, I realized that it was much more than a nightmare, it was a profound spiritual teaching.

In the dream, I saw myself standing in front of my spiritual teacher. In front of me, was a dark threatening force that carried a powerful evil energy that was moving rapidly toward me. All I could feel was sheer terror. I had never felt that kind of terror ever in my waking life. In that moment, I looked behind me to see the terror on my teacher’s face, as well. This is a man of great wisdom and knowledge, a man centered in love and peace. I was shocked to see he was having the same reaction as me. I knew I had no choice but to fight this force. I knew it was up to me.

Suddenly, I gathered all my fear, all my rage, all my anger, and with all my power, I put my hands out in front of me and yelled, “Noooooooooo” at the top of my lungs. This was not a "Nooo" from dread or from a pleading place in me. It was a definitive, declarative and absolute "NO". It was a " No" that was not up for debate. This is what I would describe as taking my power back. The dark force then began to dissipate in front of me and disappear into nothingness.

I looked back at my teacher, and he had a look of awe and respect on his face. Just then, the nightmare began all over again, exactly as it had the first time. It was like being in an instant replay except is was twice as fast. I saw the dark force, I looked behind me to see my teacher’s face in terror, I turned once again towards the force with my hands stretched out in front of me, but this time, I simply said, “No” without any fear, without any anger without any rage. I just said "no". The force once again dissipated in front of me and disappeared.

When I woke up, I felt different. I felt as if I had been initiated into another way of being, one that showed me how powerful I really am, and that nothing and no one had any power over me. I was certainly as powerful as my teacher, and I was more powerful than evil. I would never again have to fight against evil in my life, I could just refuse to give it any power over me. I could stand face-to-face with it, and know it was nothing pretending to be something,

I have understood on a deep level that nothing holds any power over us unless we inadvertently, through fear for example, give our power to it. I have practiced this principle for many years now with my clients who come to me with so-called “terminal” illness, having been told that their illness will decide their fate. My job is to remind them of their own power and that their illness holds no power over them. That is the key to healing. That is the key to freedom. That is the key to true empowerment.

Nothing and no one has any power over us. Our government, our leaders, our laws, nothing. Each of us holds a power equivalent to the entire universe and beyond. When we know that, we will no longer feel powerless to events or people. I believe we are here to remember the power that we hold, and to create fearlessly, knowing that nothing is truly against us, except us, and our own misguided beliefs.

We are more powerful than anything we fear. We are infinitely powerful. We must know that. If we want to access this power and demonstrate it, we can't be willy nilly about it. If you're in fear about something for instance, you've already managed to give some of your power away to it, by pretending it has more power than you.

Think about this for a moment. Everything is energy. When anything is reduced to it's most minute level, all that is left is energy, which never dies. It only changes form. So, if we all draw from the same energy source which is within us and all around us, how could someone have more power than you? They can't. All they can have is more belief in that than you. They might have more determination to use it, than you. But they can't actually have more access or more availability to it.

We can create the world we want to live in, by remembering how powerful we are, and by taking our power back from situations or people we have unconsciously given it away to through fear and false beliefs. There is no limit to what we can do with a mind and heart committed to good and a simple “No” to whatever fear or illusion of powerlessness that presents itself. Once you know how truly powerful you are, there will be no need to fight against anything. You will simply get clear about who you are, what you want, and remember who has the final say, you. 

At this time in humanity, I urge all of us not to give our power away to anything, including situations, a diagnosis or people in so-called "authority" or power positions. It is time to stand in assurance that all is possible with an unshakeable belief in your own ultimate power to create. You are the supreme authority in your life, Create whatever you can imagine, through the power of your belief and being undaunted by anything or anyone outside of you.

To The Truth That Sets Us All Free,

Donna Gershman ALSP  

PS. Are you ready to start living the life you deserve but know you must get out of your own way to have it? You don't have to do it alone. Feel free to email me at or contact my office at (818)904-6840 to set up a free consultation or 20 Minute Tune-UP! All sessions are conducted by telephone and or Skype.